Where Will It Be Safe?
- Introduction
- Cities & Populous Areas
- Water Hazards
- Elevation
- Volcanic Hazards
- Fire Hazards
- Substratum
- Underground Structures
- Continent & Equator
- Natural Resources
- Mountain Locations
- Island Locations
Continent & Equator: Between the Possible Earth Events, and Social Economic impacts, and predicted Future Maps, some consideration should be given to what continent you might choose for your community location. The choice of continent along with the actual degree of geographic pole shift will determine whether you are going to be closer to the poles or closer to the new equator.

There is no reason to mention why you don’t want to be close to the North or South Pole after the shift. If you need a refresher, just consider what happened to the mammoths in Siberia. Although many people may find it too hot to live near Earth’s equator, ultimately it will be the safest area to live after the pole shift for a variety of reasons. These reasons include: a year round growing season, ample trade winds that help clear the air of possible volcanic ash, and increased rainfall after Earth may have been scorched by solar irradiance and global drought. Obviously, you wouldn’t need to be exactly on the new equator to benefit.

Predictions on the movement in the geographic poles range from 16 degrees to 40 degrees. Unfortunately, this wide of a range in movement places continents and the equator in completely different locations. Since there is no way to determine the exact degree of movement during the geographic pole shift, below are two videos that provide different representations of the possible location for the new equator.
The following video clips illustrate the possible location of Earth’s equator after the next polar shift. Thes animated representations are based on the prophesized theory that Earth’s poles will tilt by approximately 16 to 40 degrees.
The below video is based on a 20 degree shift in the poles which provides an example of the lower range from Edgar Cacey and more recently by the Mayan Elder’s, who predict a 16 to 20 degree shift.
This next video is based on a 40 degree shift in the poles which provides an example of the upper range from Gordon Michael Scallion, who predicts a 20 to 45 degree shift.
The choice of location should also consider tectonic plate subduction that is predicted with the shift in Earth’s crust from either a magnetic or geographic pole shift. The consequences of this shifting range can only be projected based on a combination of past geological records and prophecy on the future maps of the world.
Edgar Cacey, Gordon Michael Scallion, and many other prophets and seers have described that portion of continents and, in some cases, entire continents will either emerge from the ocean or be submerged under the ocean. Unfortunately, the affect on specific continents changes dramatically depending on which future maps you look at. Of all the consideration that must be made for choice of location, choosing a specific which future map to follow is probably the most subjective.

The best way to choose a future map is to find one which resonates with your intuition, but in order to do this you should consider more than one source of possible maps before making a decision. You can also consider if other information from a map source resonates with you as well. If the future map resonates with you, but the other information does not resonate, then you may want to continue your research until you have a better intuitive match. Either way, choosing which future map you believe is most accurate can be challenging.
Recommendation: Choose a location that is conservatively near the new equator, but definitely far away from the geographic north and south poles. Choose which continent provides the best options for your specific situation, but also take into consideration the shift in Earth’s crust and possibly the future map that resonates most with your intuition.