Geographic and Magnetic Pole Shifts

Geographic and Magnetic Pole Shifts

Below are a few videos that provide some background and visual representation of the possible shift in Earth's geographic and magnetic poles.  For more detailed information related to the science, theories, and conclusions of these two events, please click on these links: magnetic pole shift or geographic axis shift.

This first set is a 3-Part video that provides a detailed understanding of the science and prophecy behind the possible shift in Earth's magnetic poles. This is one of the best presentations on the pole shift, equinox, galactic plane, and how they all tie together.

Everything 2012 Earth Changes (Part 1 of 3)

Everything 2012 Earth Changes (Part 2 of 3)

Everything 2012 Earth Changes (Part 3 of 3)

The following video clips illustrate the possible location of Earth’s equator after a possible geographic axis shift. These animated representations are based on the scientific theories about the geographic movement of a magnetic body when external electromagnetic fields are applied.  Some of the ancient prophecy suggests that Earth’s geographic axis could tilt by approximately 16 to 40 degrees.

The below video is based on a 20 degree shift in the geographic axis which provides an example of the lower range from Edgar Cayce and more recently by the Mayan Elder’s, who predict a 16 to 20 degree shift.

This next video is based on a 40 degree shift in the geographic axis which provides an example of the upper range from Gordon Michael Scallion, who predicts a 20 to 45 degree shift.