About Timeline To The Future

Through 20 years of research, Ivan Stein has created a detailed understanding of the timeline of events leading up to these these historic times. These events include: economic depression, world war III, food & water shortage, martial law, exponential conscious evolution, earth changes, geophysical and magnetic pole shift, passing galactic equator, and entering a new ice age.

Timeline To The Future is dedicated to providing the information and helping humanity adjust and prepare for these upcoming events on a practical and spiritual level through the development of sustainable communities. This information includes: financial preparation, physical relocation, timing of events, creation of communities, eco friendly resources, and templates for sustainable living through the cataclysmic changes. These resources will ensure sur-thriving (Surviving with abundance and grace) on the practical and spiritual level.

The time to prepare is NOW. The events are starting to unfold very rapidly and exponentially, therefore, Timeline To The Future is inspiring and motivating those who are ready to take action. This imminent preparation includes researching the information provided by Timeline To The Future’s content and videos, developing your spiritual and psychic innate potentials, forming communities, living sustainably, and relocating to a safe environment.

Timeline To The Future is creating the first community of this type in a safe and remote environment that facilitates an optimal transition through the economic depression, spiritual transformation, and geological Earth changes.

This community reunites conscious and spiritually awakened individuals who are objectively preparing for the coming changes from a position of preventive choice rather than a position of reactive fear. The community objective is one of alignment with Spirit, open to all spiritual paths, dedicated to a life of authenticity, integrity, and compassion toward one another.

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Thank you for your support.

With Love and Blessings,


Ivan “Evon” Stein

Timeline To The Future Founder

Project TriStar Founder

Foundation Sustainable Living Founder